windsor joe innis

Windsor Innis' search for innocence and beauty is in the archeology of his oeuvre, derived from his half century as an artist.

Windsor Innis 
Whistler and Me

Title: WHISTLER AND ME, The Painted Path
(international edition)

Author: Windsor Innis
Publisher: Kyuryudo Art Publishing, Tokyo 【求龍堂】
Language: Japanese
ISBN-10: 4763018302
ISBN-13: 978-4763018304
Hardcover; 12 x 8.7 x 1.3 inches; 312 pages
Book info: Kinokuniya books 【紀伊國屋書店】
Maruzen 【丸善】
Kyuryudo 【求龍堂】

Introduction by Dr. Akiko Mabuchi, Director General of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo and Chair, the Society for the Study of Japonisme

Message by Dr. Lee Glazer, Curator of American art at the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (Currently the Founding Director of the Lunder Institute for American Art, Colby College Museum of Art)


That the ghost of Whistler is alive and well may not strike everyone as good news. Bright, affable, even funny as he was, almost anyone will tell you James McNeil Whistler was also brittle as cold toast, angry, certainly contentious. In short, he was an artist, a powerful one, if not everyone’s choice for a second act ...



Windsor has devoted much of his life living and showing abroad in the belief that contemporary art founded on the historic principles of figurative painting can be more widely used in linking diverse cultures East and West. His search for innocence and beauty is in the archeology of his oeuvre, derived from his half century as an artist. The vein of Windsor's discoveries on Jeju Island, his home for the past three years, runs rich and deep. It's in the young women and girls there, the tossing green seas ripping through jet black rocks at shore. You'll see the innocence in the searching gaze of a horse, or in the stance of an old cow with chiseled flanks anchored to a stand of blowing grass. As in all of his paintings, it is defined by his colors, and he freely admits owing Goethe for that, as his most recent novel, The Secrets of Young Lotte (Korean edition), attests.


Self-Portrait as an Artist (The Antiquarian) 53x33.5cm  Windsor Innis

"This, in paint, is as close as I can get to describing the subject. I worked with a mirror. After a while I set it down. Only then did I do what I saw. When it was finished I took up the mirror and looked at my face. It was a reasonable match. The vase, the colors that address it and the mood that surrounds it are all elements of a single thing."-WI

from SBS (Seoul, Korea) on Windsor
from LivingTV(Seoul, Korea) One-hour interview / documentary special filmed in Jeju Island

"Painting is dead, they tell us. Where silence and contemplation once reigned, they give us a circus, a house of horrors, an endless Warhol movie. Denying the artist painting is akin to denying the novelist the written word; the actor, the stage; the musician, his instrument; the sculptor, his clay; art, its history. -WI"

windsor joe innis
Girl with Fan (51x61cm)
Windor Innis

Donald Kuspit on Windsor

"... I read Girl with Fan as an ironically brilliant play on the Maja theme. Indeed, there is more than a little Goya in Windsor, as the very Spanish blackness of the girl's hair suggests. It occurs in many works, a stark black flat plane that dramatically jumps out of the picture, indicating that it is as much an abstract configuration as an observed scene. Girl in Sunlit Studio is a particularly eloquent synthesis of French Intimatism and Spanish blackness. Windsor does not so much appropriate past art as connote it.

"Windsor's sentimental journey with the mystical girl--a physically vulnerable yet emotionally invulnerable symbol of all that is pure, good, and wholesome in life--leads him to a prelapsarian realm of creative fantasy."

If anything goes, then the human figure goes more than anything else today, for what we need today--if art is not to become a sterile exercise in selfcongratulation--is art that acknowledges its own history, reminding us that the idea of the "advance" of art is a modern myth that has outlived its creative usefulness. Using a now traditional modernist aesthetic of touch and color ("touchy" color?) to render an untraditional--certainly rarely represented--human subject matter, Windsor shows us just how innovative sentimentality can be.

Donald Kuspit, art critic/professor of art history and philosophy at SUNY

When an outsider comes to live in a land foreign to him, ignorance may be his greatest strength. In different ways Tocqueville in early America and Gauguin in Tahiti brought lasting insights about their borrowed worlds primarily because they didn't know any better. Turner brought us Venice, Cassatt--Paris, Picasso--France. They had the clear vision of innocents, strangers who saw the natives as they are, not as they are supposed to be. -WI

Kyoto, Japan

When Western artists are strong and incorporate the sensitive, visual language of the East, they bring something arrestingly different to the work. When an Eastern spectator views it, he sees himself through a stranger's eyes. -WI

amsterdam embassy windsor joe innis
netherlands windsor joe innis
The 17th Century Dutch shipwreck of the sleek, long-beaked Sparrowhawk on Jeju was said to have cracked open the door to the Hermit Kingdom.
rijks museum amsterdam windsor joe innis 

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Art is an international event. There are no boundaries, limiting geographies. If it is any good it speaks of universal truths, calls up the human experience. If it is honest, the result of it will establish a kind of resonance between the one who paints it and the one who looks at it, whenever that may be and wherever they may meet. -WI


Lotte Company Collection (Seoul, Korea)

The selected paintings are from the Lotte Company collection in Korea (Seoul and Buyeo)

lotte company windsor joe innis
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Middle Sister (53x45cm)
Windsor Innis
lotte company windsor joe innis
windsor joe innis
Girl in Starched Dress (40x30cm)
Windsor Innis
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windsor joe innis
Girl with Purple Flower (50x40cm)
Windsor Innis
lotte company windsor joe innis
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The Velvet Room (76x61cm)
Windsor Innis.

ISBN: 9788966213863

The Cultural Minister of Korea
The German Embassy in Korea
The United States Embassy in Korea


This novel is based on the romantic 18th Century classic, The Sorrows of Young Werther, written by artist and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The viewpoint in this, Windsor's second Korean language book, shifts from Werther to his tragic love interest, the intensely beautiful Lotte.

The author illuminates the text with eighty-three works of art that amplify the novel in a more immediate dimension. In this way the artist/author combines his talents to pay witness to a new viewpoint.

Lovers are novelists. A lover sees in the one he loves an image of himself. From that he shapes a character that may or may not exist. She does the same. In this way we love strangers. Often it comes to disappointment. Occasionally it's the making of great love. This story is about both. - WI

windsor joe innis lotte company german embassy
german embassy windsor joe innis

Goethe's color theory may yet become what he believed to be his most important legacy. After a brief revival of the study among innovative 19th century painters like Whistler, Turner and Inness, the spark all but died. Painting today, so in need of a renaissance moment, could find it in his revolutionary -- some would say mystical -- approach to color. Applying it could change the face of contemporary art.

Understanding color this way could reinvigorate painting. At its best Goethe's theory, however scientifically faulty, is a tool that can illuminate aspects of humanity and its conditions in ways Newton's rigidly mathematical theory cannot.

When the language of color in art is ignored or forgotten, no longer learned or spoken, the means of communications between an artist and his spectator becomes frayed or broken. Without the empirical study this theory demands, the painter stands dumbstruck before his idea. Fumbling his attempts at execution subtleties are lost, subsumed by noise and cheap stunts.


lotte windsor joe innis
The Dreamer (detail)
Windsor Innis.
windsor joe innis

lotte company windsor joe innis

Exhibition Catalogs | Lotte Skyhill C.C.

lotte company windsor joe innis
lotte company windsor joe innis
lotte company windsor joe innis

In cooperation with Lotte Gallery | Lotte Skyhill C.C., | Lotte Department | Lotte Art Villas | Lotte Resort

jeju island jeju governor windsor joe innis
SBS on Windsor
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windsor joe innis
Young Diver (130 x 80cm)
Windsor Innis
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Cut Flowers, Painted Bird (65.2 x 53.1cm)
Windsor Innis
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windsor joe innis
Summer Girl at Rock Beach (120 x 80cm)
Windsor Innis
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Tidal Dance (116.5 x 80cm)
Windsor Innis
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The Tea Server (80 x 60cm)
Windsor Innis
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Girl with Ugly Fruit (120 x 80cm)
Windsor Innis
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Last Day on Earth (73 x 60cm)
Windsor Innis
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Windsor Innis
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At the Falls Darkly (116.5 x 80cm)
Windsor Innis
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Something Happened (100.3 x 60cm)
Windsor Innis
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Casting from a Shallow Boat (30 x 22cm)
Windsor Innis
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Room in Burnt Orange (83x60cm)
Windsor Innis
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windsor joe innis
Dawn at the Boatworks (76.2 x 61cm)
Windsor Innis
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windsor joe innis
Mare and Colts at Converging Tracks
(120 x 80cm)
Windsor Innis
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windsor joe innis
Normandia (51 x 41cm)
Windsor Innis
korea university windsor joe innis


Windsor's speech on Art and Innocence (1hour and 30min)

"Those who value what artists can and should say about the age in which we live are losing patience. They wait in vain for those who can interpret contemporary life against the rich history that led to it." -WI

"Fifty years is a long run for Postmodernism, art ruled by fashion and commerce.Welcome to the return of beauty and innocence and art's 35,000-year history. For many, It's about time." -WI

(Minister's Cup) Preview


Korean edition; ISBN: 978-89-929-8464-507800

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Innocence Abroad, The Girls of Coatepec

ISBN 13: 978-89-960065-1-0

FOR NEARLY TWO YEARS Windsor lived and painted in a peaceful colonial town deep in the plantation country in the state of Veracruz, an old and mystical part of Mexico. In painting the young girls of Coatepec, the artist discovers the truth, beauty and fragility of the world they inhabit and often command. . .

Foreword by
Miguel Ruiz-Cabanas Izquierdo Ambassador of Mexico to Japan
Essays by
Dr. Donald Kuspit, Critic,
Art Historian, Professor, SUNY Dr. Jeff Fishel,
Professor Emeritus, American University Scott JT Frank,
Epiphany Pictures

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arirang seoul windsor joe innis

ArirangTV (Seoul)





lotte book windsor joe innis

Secrets of Young Lotte
(Korean edition)
ISBN: 9788966213863

Kyobo Bookstore Bandi and Lunis

jeju island book windsor joe innis

Windsor's Mystic Island
(Korean edition)
172mm x 225mm
ISBN: 978-89-929-8464-507800

Kyobo Bookstore Bandi and LunisInterpark

windsor joe innis
Innocence Abroad;
The Girls of Coatepec
Mellon Limited
Shinwon Literary Rights
Published: 2008
Softcover: $75.00
Size: 10" x 14"
ISBN 13: 978-89-960065-1-0
222 color plates
48 b/w photos

"Unique, fascinating, thoughtful and thought-provoking, "Innocence Abroad" is a superbly presented art study that is enthusiastically recommended for personal, professional, and academic library Art History reference collections."

-Midwest Book Review

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Korean Calligraphy Association ...

I’ve long admired the traditional arts of Korea, particularly the high arts of calligraphy and ink and wash paintings, the historical arts at the heart of this exhibition. Even the landscapes and florals seem rooted in a land that predates contemporary times.

Much of today’s art suffers from its detachment from history. Not only is this heritage ignored in work filling museums and galleries across the globe, often history’s very existence is denied. The Postmodernist has gone to great lengths with their argument that theirs is a new art uninfluenced by the past and by the legion of fine art painters and sculptors who labored before them.

Happily, it hasn’t silenced those who steadfastly believe that art is neither a clever invention nor a raw idea, but a dark, well-concealed pathway lit by momentary revelations. These provoke us to travel further. There’s no end to the path, because there’s no end to the search for what can be seen as true and inevitably beautiful, even, or especially, when this thing of beauty is wrought from the ordinary, unconventional or ugly.

The language of art derives from its history, one delightfully present in this exhibition. The artists who’ve mastered that language are among us. That almost all of them populate the past is no reason to ignore them. Seek them out. Study them. They will teach you. They will lead you, and, if you’re lucky, they will argue with you. Sometimes the disagreement will get heated. See this as a good sign, for it means you have begun to veer from their path to your own.

Wherever the conversation leads, there is no artist alive who cannot benefit from it. These denizens of another world are also your members.
Congratulations to each of you, and special thanks to my good friend and your chairman, for inviting my comments here.

Windsor Innis
Jeju Island

On Windsor ...

Windsor is a steadfast, passionate pursuer of light, of its effects on color, of its transforming action upon reality.

- International Art Critic Osiris Chierico
Museo Eduardo Sivori, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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In seeing the truth, Windsor has added another perspective on how to see beauty.

-Donald Kuspit

Korean Race Horse Association

I think we draw the spiritual from many wells. The horse -- and I’m mostly familiar with the racehorse -- is one of the innocents in life, very much like the young girl in todays society.

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